
We carry a variety of All Natural Rocks for your Aquarium with properties that help keep your fish healthy, stabilize the pH level in your water, provide swim activity and areas for hiding and privacy. All while creating a realistic environment for all of your Aquatic Pets.

  • Promo Code announcement for Limestone Holey Rock

    Bring Your Idea to Life

    Describe your idea and we'll put something together for you to look at.Whether your price checking or ready now, we have time to show you what we can do for you.

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  • A centerpiece Texas Holey Rock for fish tanks

    Texas Holey Rock

    An All-Natural Limestone Rock with an abundant calcium content, holes and caves make Texas Holey Rock a favorite in the fish community. On top of those features, the Holey Rock has more beneficial properties than any other single thing you can put in your Aquarium and fish absolutely love it.

    Shop Texas Holey Rocks 
  • Dry Live Rock for creating a Reef Tank

    Aquarium Rock

    In addition to THR we have other decorative rocks. Dry Reef Rock, also known as Dry Live Rock, has the ideal texture and pitting for the growth of beneficial bacteria.

    Shop Dry Live Rock 
  • Rocks with holes for fish to swim through in an aquarium

    Aquarium Rock Bundles

    For anyone looking to create a scene from scratch or freshen up what you already have, let us know and we can put together something beautiful according to your suggestions and your project budget.
    We do not charge for creating scenarios for you to look at.

    Contact Us 
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